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The Worldscarred

NPC: Human Warlock, 55, The Worldscarred

Read Aloud:

A grizzled wanderer with a face etched by untold hardships glares forth from beneath a disheveled brow. Heavy jeweled necklaces and tarnished finery drape across his broad shoulders, hinting at past glories long faded.

Deeper Lore:

Zarahm the Worldscarred is a hardened adventurer who has plundered the depths of countless ruin-haunted catacombs in pursuit of archaic relics and occult knowledge. Though once a figure of renown, his obsessive quest for power led him down darker paths until only a hollow husk remained. He now drifts from realm to realm as an unshakable curse, leaving only shattered lives and scorched lands in his wake.

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Evan Payne

Evan Payne